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How employees can boost your brand

For any business, large or small, it is increasingly important for employees to help boost the company’s brand. Team members can engage with their employer’s social media channels, to help build up the company brand in a really personal way.

Creative DesignerI’m Sarah, Creative Designer at the Kent design agency me&you. In this blog I’ll share the benefits of Personal Employee Brand Content and give you my top tips. A perfect example of us all chipping in to boost the me&you brand! I gave a presentation on this topic at our all-team monthly review recently, in our ‘care to share’ section.

At me&you design agency, our brand values include ‘collaborative’, ‘purposeful’ and ‘imaginative’. In fact, I helped to choose these values myself, as I believe they truly express us as people and what we do.

As a me&you employee, I have been utilising these company values alongside my design skills and interests, to create personal social media content on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Benefits of employees boosting your brand

  1. Content created is authentic with a personal ‘human’ touch. It’s good to know people behind a brand.
  2. Engaging posts by individuals create trust about a brand.
  3. It improves team culture, and can be fun!
  4. Companies benefit from increased traffic across individual employee’s platforms.
  5. It improves a company’s brand awareness and perception.

Examples of social media by an employee

Here are some examples of individual social media posts I have recently created:

  • Social posts linked to events I attended, for example the Digital Women Conference
  • Posts about online webinars watched, for example an interesting one on Hack the Design System run by Adobe. Speakers were from Airbnb and Idean
  • Social interaction on a Ted Conference ‘Small Wins’ post, celebrating my training/upskilling in UI Design at our me&you Creative Fridays
  • Taking the Creative Personality test by Adobe Create and sharing with others to find out their Creative Personality Type



Employees boost brandMy top tips for employees on how to boost your brand

  1. Engage in online discussions about topics linked with your own personal work skills
  2. Post content around events and talks attended, webinars watched or training courses completed - speakers, influencers and brands thanked and tagged into all content
  3. Use custom hashtags specific to an individual company
  4. Link in with National Days, for example www.daysoftheyear.com
  5. Engage and connect in with your individual clients
  6. Share your company’s news to expand its reach
  7. Big brands use titlecase on longer hashtags to increase legibility and interaction. For example Coca Cola uses #ShareACoke #WorldKindnessDay

I hope you find my tips helpful. Let’s get creating engaging content!


me&you is a highly experienced creative team of branding specialists. We love to design for food and beverages, leisure, retail and financial services businesses. See our work here. Meet the rest of my team here.
