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Copywriting and Tone of Voice

Words have power. They shape perceptions, inspire action, and forge connections. At me&you, we understand the transformative power of language in communicating your purpose-driven mission. Our expert copywriters craft compelling narratives that not only inform but also ignite passion. We delve deep into your brand's unique voice, ensuring every sentence, from website copy to social media posts, reflects your values and resonates with your audience.

High quality copywriting can impact nearly all aspects of your company, from boosting your organic search results to improving your brand visibility. Whether you need a punchy strapline, engaging website copy, or a comprehensive tone of voice guide, we'll help you harness the power of words to create meaningful connections and drive lasting impact. 

Define your brand voice

Your brand has a voice. Everything you write from your website to your emails to your tweets gives the reader clues about your brand’s personality and values, so it’s crucial that it’s consistent.

We’ll help you to establish an overall framework to define your tone of voice, including the words and phrases you use (and the ones you should always avoid!).

If you’ve got ongoing copywriting needs that can’t be delivered in-house, we can agree a retainer-based approach to deliver a set number of articles each month.

Names and straplines

Whether it’s a name for a new brand, service or product. At me&you, we don’t underestimate the power of a good brand name. We can organise naming workshops to kickstart your project. Then our team will set to work brainstorming name ideas, from the abstract and off-the-wall, to simple and bold. We’ll develop a shortlist of fresh, inspiring and distinctive names for your team to consider. 

We also have experience in generating straplines that sum up your brand’s offering simply and effectively.

Copywriting for campaigns

Effective copywriting is crucial for the success of any internal, public-facing or digital campaign. It captures your audience’s attention, conveys your message clearly, and drives action. At me&you, we understand that compelling copy can make all the difference, transforming casual browsers into engaged customers. By crafting persuasive and relatable content, we help your campaigns stand out, resonate with your target audience, and achieve your marketing goals. Great copywriting isn't just about words; it's about creating a connection and inspiring your audience into action.


Video and animation are fantastic ways to communicate your brand’s message, offering a dynamic and engaging medium that captivates your audience. At me&you, we don't just produce videos; we bring your vision to life. Our team starts by helping you visualise the end result through detailed storyboards and animatics, ensuring every frame aligns with your brand’s narrative. We then develop engaging scripts designed to connect with your audience’s needs and emotions. By combining visual storytelling with compelling narratives, we help you deliver your message in a way that’s memorable and impactful.

Content creation for social media and web

Engaging content is at the heart of any successful social media or web strategy. We specialise in creating compelling content that captures attention and builds meaningful connections with your audience. From dynamic social media posts and informative blog articles to striking visuals and videos, we ensure your brand’s story is told in an authentic and impactful way. Our approach combines strategic insight with creative execution, helping you enhance your online presence and engage your audience effectively. Let’s work together to elevate your brand’s content game!

SEO copywriting

The more people who find your website, the better. Generating more awareness, more clicks and more revenue. But these days it takes more than stuffing your website’s pages with keywords to get your site seen by the right people. You must provide original and engaging content that your audience wants or needs, that provides value.

We work closely with our SEO experts to improve your brand’s visibility and search ranking. We even helped get community meals charity FoodCycle to page 1 of Google.

Need some help with copywriting or tone of voice?

Get in touch today for a free, no obligation chat to see how we can help you.

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Campaign promoting Spanish wines to a UK audience

Creative campaign helps raise awareness of bowel cancer symptoms

Inspiring the next generation of sustainable fruit growers and horticulturists

Helping a sustainable kindergarten fulfil their potential with a new brand identity

Bringing an energy-efficient London property brand to life

Creating a marketing buzz about plant-based food

Consolidating a multitude of services under one banner

Helping a non-profit, school improvement company appeal to its target audience with an eye-catching identity